I arrived sometime yesterday morning in a blur. Looking back, taking the metro from the airport may not have been the best idea, tired and full of luggage as we were. A group of us did it anyway, though, and I feel very accomplished now, navigating Athens on my own 15 minutes after getting there. Plus, I got to see the guards switch off by Parliament. I had no idea that a single step could be so bad-ass. (Oh, and I saved about 40€ by not taking a taxi, part of which was used on a delicious spinach pie for breakfast this morning!)I woke up absurdly early this morning (about 5:45 am) which I guess was from jet-lag, (and going to bed REALLY early last night) but was also from excitement. I watched the sun rise over the street outside our apartment from the balcony off my room and tried to write in a journal for a few hours. The bakery run that followed was much more successful. ;)
I have not unpacked yet. That will happen... soon... *ahem*, but the room is looking cozier all the time. M's side looks now what my side will look like in a week or so, and that thrills me more than I can say! We agree on organized chaos, at the very least. She shares my same sense of humor, too, as does almost everyone in the apartment. I feel really lucky with my roommates. :-) Especially now that we all have internet and the sounds of happy skyping fill the halls.
Our lovely room

The even lovelier kitchen

And most beautiful of all - the hot pink bathroom! Notice the most gorgeous toilet seat ever!!
Orientation this morning was a series of lectures, as per usual, but there's a walk around Pangrati (the district of Athens I'm located in) this evening which should be useful, and they've fed us for almost every meal so far. "Refreshments" go a long way here. ;-) I've got a few basic grocery needs from the local market already, though, and will be cooking with my roommates starting very soon. We also think we've found a gyro place nearby! :-D
Athens is more urban than I expected. I knew logically that it was a large and growing city with crazy drivers, lots of stores and 4 million people all told, but the feel of a real city isn't something that numbers and description convey if you haven't lived in one for a significant period of time. I don't remember Dallas and a week in NYC doesn't count, so Athens was something of a beautiful, chaotic surprise. Also, that means hot water and internet, so who am I to complain? I will start carrying a sketchbook, maybe starting tomorrow. The city begs for pencil drawings, with the miss-matched-knick-knacked terraces, rooftops, window displays and pedestrians. It's too eccentric for my pencil to let alone.
Looking down the street, left and right respectively, from our apartment's balcony