Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Even Longer Since the Last Update

This blog is absolutely no longer daily at this point (though it will become so at least for a little while next week). This is less due to the fact that I don't have time, and more just that I've been so heavily concentrated on classes that there hasn't been much in the way of "exploring Greece" lately. There are three updates now, however.

1. Someone else in the apartment FINALLY had a birthday! SS (who will despise me for writing this if she finds out) turned 21 Monday, and hopefully had a good day. She made us all Chocolate Cake and let us help finish the frosting afterwords. We tried to take her out to dinner, but she said she just wanted to bake, and who were we to dispute the wishes of the Birthday Girl? Less pleasantly, one of the program directors gave her a birthday shout-out during a full-program-meeting. Ah well, it happens to the best of us, and the Greeks don't particularly believe in privacy.

2. Last night was my first Marble Carving class. I knew that was going to be difficult, but I had no idea just how hard it would be. We each drew an image to carve in relief, transferred it to the marble, were given chisels and set to work. There are only four CYA students (self-included) in the class, but there are several Athenian citizens taking it as well. It was encouraging to see grown men struggling as much as we were and old ladies having an easier time of it. The carving really does seem to just take practice. I was already getting a little better after 3 hours. They would have gladly let us stay longer, too (I don't think anyone was even looking at a clock) but my wrist was starting to hurt and I knew I had to get back, make dinner, and do a little homework. There are five lessons left, picking up the first Tuesday in November and every Tuesday after that. I was worried that that wouldn't be enough time, even though each class is three hours (so 15 hours left, technically), but since we can stay as long as we like, I should at least get a big chunk of it done. Not yet sure how to get it home, though. I'll probably be needing a second bag...

3. Speaking of baggage, I have booked my airplanes home, and I have to use the plural here, because I'm making a 3 day stop in London, England on the way home! I'm really excited about it and can't wait to get there and see the actual Parthenon Marbles in that museum. I might not want to take the time to sketch, but as those are published, I should be able to take pictures! SS is going too, so we might hang out (she inspired me to go, but we aren't there for the EXACT same time) and I'm hoping that some people from Williams' Oxford program will still be hanging around. In any case, expect fabulousity and trips to the National Museum, Hyde Park, Kings Cross, and hopefully the Tower of London!

Next week CYA is taking us all to the Peloponnese for trips to Corinth, Nafplion, Sparta, Olympia (maybe Pylos) and DELPHI! Maybe you can tell which one I'm most excited for? I am taking my computer this time, so as long as there is internet there will be daily blogging. I hated not being able to post my thoughts every night after excitement and thought filled days, so I won't be making that mistake again. Also, pictures, there shall be many. I'm not on a bus with any of my apartment mates, but I will be rooming with friends (get the initials JF, JK and AS in your mind as you will soon be seeing them often!

Another beautiful morning and for the first time in about a month, I did my homework before the day of class! This is the start of a most promising day.


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