Sunday, October 3, 2010

How long has it been now?

A full three days since the last update, one would hope that I would have something vaguely interesting to update with. Unfortunately, this is not really the case.

On Thursday, I had class at the National Archeological Museum which was fun and very cool, but far too crowded to take any decent pictures, or really to enjoy the museum itself after class. A friend and I attempted to walk around afterwords for an hour or so, but gave up as we got tired of fighting our way to the cases. no idea why, in all of Athens, this is the one museum where I've had that problem. Thursday was also supposed to hold Greek Dancing lessons, but they were canceled due to "Lack of Interest". This upsets me more because I know so many people who thoroughly enjoyed that first lesson, but simply weren't wiling to pay a small price for more. I understand it's their money, but you can buy shoes in America - Greek Dancing lessons are much harder to find. Fortunately, I'm replacing Greek Dancing with Marble Carving lessons starting Oct. 12. It's much more expensive (as it should be! Marble and stone carving tools are not cheap!) but it really is something I won't b able to find anywhere else. And we get to keep whatever we sculpt! I'm really excited for that to start!

Friday, I went back to the crafting district in the early morning an tried to find the little yarn store I'd stumbled upon on Wednesday. I couldn't find it, but I did find two others (and have since found more), including one that offers a free knitting gathering for lessons, company and exchange of ideas on Saturdays 11-2. Now if only I could find it again! Friday I also went back to the Acropolis with a group, and climbed up in heels. Later my feet hurt something dreadful, but it felt pretty good while I was at the top.

Saturday was spent mostly in the apartment dealing with our electrical and internet woes. The fuse box began to smell like burning plastic, so we called for help. An electrician came very quickly and took forever to maybe fix it. I've got my fingers crossed that it won't happen again, but no guarantees. SS put up an evil eye to stare at the wireless router, and another for the fuse box. It's working so far, anyhow. Sounion fell through for the day, but hopefully will be back on next weekend. I just want at least one other person to go with if I can manage it. Traveling alone is dull and exhausting and I'd rather not deal with it if at all possible. I can probably convince K to go with me next weekend.

It is now Sunday morning and the battle of procrastination is coming to a close. With any luck, regular updates will begin again shortly. :)

Oh, for any mythology buffs out there - a funny story. On the bus back from Syntagma (where the shopping and crafting stores are located) I saw a sign directing my attention towards a Temple of Artemis. I wanted to mark it's location and appearance for later, but when I looked in that direction, saw only a public swimming pool with temple-inspired architecture for the changing rooms and toilets. Seems a mite disrespectful for the virgin goddess. Those designers are just asking to be smitten (smote? I really ought to look that up).


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