Sunday, September 19, 2010

A Few Artsy Photos

Today involved a little shopping in the tourist district, a little sketching in the museum and another attempt at catching the sunset on the Acropolis. I got to the top in time today, only to find that they shoo people off the site before the sun gets a chance to set. It makes sense that they don't want people trying to navigate their way down the mountain in the dark, I guess, but still. For those of us who do know what we're doing, the way is certainly well lit enough by the flood lights they use to light all the sites at night that no one would hurt themselves any more seriously than they would in the daylight. *Sigh and /rant*

Anyway, about those artsy photos:

I will never get tired of taking pictures of monuments. Ever. Especially on the Acropolis. :-)

Crete tomorrow, so no updates until Saturday, but expect tons of pictures and a very very long update then!


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