Sunday, September 19, 2010

Sketches and Other Art

Not too much to report. I was very very lazy last night (hence the lack of update) and had a very quiet day yesterday which mostly involved restocking on food items.

Our one adventure yesterday was SS and I trying to find an art supply store in our area of Athens, with very little luck. We've both been so inspired by our museum trips and sculpture/archaeology courses that we wanted to try our hands at a little clay working and carving ourselves. Unfortunately, after an unsuccessful query at the student center and much work trying to find a store using online resources, we made the 30 minute walk to where we believed a store to exist, only to find that we were mistaken. We were able to get a little Crayola modeling clay and some watercolors in a small school supply store, but it wasn't the same. We've since located a running store (and its hours, which don't include Sundays) that's about 45 minutes in the opposite direction. It seems to be the closest arts and crafts store to our apartment. We'll be visiting it the day after we get back from Crete.

The only other update is the sketches from my trip(s) to the Acropolis Museum, which are at the end of this post. I'm debating going back this afternoon to sketch some more, and will probably follow up on that impulse. :-)

Hebe and Hera from the North West corner of the Parthenon's outer frieze
(Note: all drawings are done from fragments, and are therefore fragmentary unless done from a reproduction or self-augmented. Both situations will be noted if they occur.)

Athena dismounting from her chariot from the North East corner of the outer frieze.

Dione (Aphrodite's mother in some myths. There is also some debate whether this figure is Artemis) and Aphrodite from the East pediment of the Parthenon.
Artemis (maybe?), also from the East Pediment.
Hermes, Dionysus and Demeter from the North inner frieze.

Ares (twice, as the first was not very good), Iris (or Hebe), Hera and Zeus from the North inner frieze.

  Athena and Hephaestos from the North inner frieze

Poseidon, Apollo and Artemis from the North inner frieze. Not augmented so much as simplified due to increasing numbers of tour groups standing curiously in my field of vision.
Athena and Poseidon from the West pediment, and facial details, all from miniature reproduction.

A much better, later attempt of the same subject as above.

Contrast Athena and Poseidon (and Zeus's arm) from the East pediment, from miniature reproduction.

The standing girls (properly called Caryatids) from the Erectheon.

Torso of statue of Athena (stands about 3 ft tall).
Aphrodite chasing a Giant from the East outer frieze of the Parthenon (self-augmented).

Head of Dionysus from the East pediment and body of Apollo from the East outer frieze of the Parthenon.

Ares and Athena defeating two giants (center) from the East outer frieze (self-augmented).

Dionysus, Persephone and Demeter from the East pediment, from miniature reproduction. I'm going to try to sketch the whole of the east pediment reconstruction by the semester's end. :-)
Sculpture attempt! You can tell I haven't taken ceramics in a very very long time and I have no tools excepting my swiss army knife (which is called the 'craftsman' though I'm not sure this is what Victorinox intended. :-P)

  And the back. The designs and colors are based on those I saw in surviving on the Kore statues in the museum. They're really quite lovely. :-) I'll get better (or at least more Minoan/Cycladic with time. Heh heh)
Kαλημέρα! (Which is good day, instead of good night. :-) )

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