Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Just a short update tonight

Today went by in a blissful, sugar-hyped blur. Thanks to my roomies for the mounds of delicious chocolate-coated honey treats from the bakery down the street and for taking me out to dinner tonight. M and SE both have guests this week so the apartment has felt extra full lately, but in a good way.

The birthday blitz followed me everywhere today. We learned to say (and sing) Happy Birthday in Modern Greek. The words "Happy Birthday" are not used by greeks, who say Χρονια Πολλα (literally, many years, as in: may you have many years) and their song is something to the effect of:

May you live many years
and grow old
until your hair turns white
and may you spread out far
shining the light of knowledge wherever you go
and all who know you shall say
there is a wise person.

A little more poetic than the American version, yes?

I also got to translate the part I knew in Ancient Greek today, a rarity and always a pleasant surprise, if not exactly birthday related. :-)

We ate on a rooftop taverna tonight that SE suggested. The owners remembered her from when she and her father had been there last week and were very helpful and nice to us. We got SO MUCH FOOD! We thought we would each choose an appetizer and get an entree, but instead they brought unlimited bowls of every appetizer and an entree and a free dessert, for about 10€ each (or it would have been if they had let me pay). The only thing we had t pay extra for was the wine. As Mom and Dad can see, I did not drink to excess tonight. :-P (Hey, Guys! I made good choices! <3). 

Now, however, it is already past midnight and I have not done any homework, and class begins at 8:30 in the morning. Ah well, it has been worth it, and I will have plenty of time to catch up later.


PS: A huge apology to SE that I've been typing out all these without bothering to double check anyone's last name. Of course, she's the only one affected, so I just look like an idiot. Rest assured, that was my mistake and not some weird coding thing, and I have gone back and fixed all previous mentions to reflect you accurately! Lots of love!

1 comment:

  1. I hope you've had a fabulous birthday -- and it sounds like you did!!
