Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Still No New Pictures

Another quiet night in our Athenian apartment. M's guest left today, so it's down to just the six of us again. Oddly, this does make the apartment much quieter.

I did my Thucydides for most of today, and luckily managed to do rather well translating in class. I love having so many people in class (9 versus the 2 I'm used to). It makes the translating oddly less stressful, in addition to there being so much less of it per person!

I really wish there was something more fascinating with which to update tonight, but it's been a supremely uneventful day. I'm going to run down to the Temple of Olympian Zeus tomorrow, camera in hand, since I finally figured out where it is exactly and it isn't far at all. I'll also be talking to the financial aid department of my program to get my aid straightened out, but I won't be taking any pictures there, I think. Friday I'm planning a full-day trip to the New Acropolis Museum and the Ancient Agora, and sometime this weekend I will finally be going to Greek Dancing (I think).

There's also a lecture tomorrow night that K, SE and I are attending. The topic is cultural artifacts, but I don't want to go any further into it than that yet as I don't want to get anything completely wrong.

K and SE are teaching me to play backgammon. I get the idea, I think, but I haven't understood the challenge of it just yet. I'll get there soon, I think, if I keep playing with them. We really ought to get a deck of cards for the apartment, too, as something we can all do together.

I really want to go out and get art supplies. Being around the ancient relics and ruins constantly has seriously made me want to draw and write again. I'm already signed up and rearin' to go on NaNoWriMo, but I've still got 6 weeks until November and I don't want to wait that long. Art supply stores were not something listed in the student handbook, so SS went to the Academic Center to ask where she might find one. They had no idea and commented that she was the first person (apparently in the history of CYA) to ask that question. This seems improbable in the 30-odd years the program has been around, so I think the people she asked didn't understand her. I think I may have found one a 25-minute walk from the apartment anyway, so I'll try to go check that out this weekend. It's nice to be surrounded be beauty enough to be inspired again. It may also have something to do with the fact that I'm not typing my class notes. I have not hand-written class notes since sophomore year of high school. I'd forgotten how little of my notes were words and how much was doodles. Luckily, this is a boon, rather than a hindrance, in Art and Archaeology especially. :-)

Tomorrow will be a fascinating update. Pinky promise. Better go to bed early to get ready for it. ;-)


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